Your Brain on Video Games

Video Games is an art form that was developed a few decades ago and now, it has blown up into this revolutionizing way of entertainment. With this new piece of technology and entertainment, people are going to start looking for the side effects of it just like any new trend. Before I moved to college, I was almost addicted to video games. I always bought the newest video games that was put on the shelves and I spent always playing them and trying beat the game and accomplish every challenge. So as a person who used to be in love with video games, I have a fair amount of knowledge about it. Daphne Bavelier’s Ted talks video on your brain on video games brings up points of video games have been connected to violent acts and mass shootings. There have been people who commit these heinous mass shootings and police have said that their violent tendencies come from them playing violent video games. Through out all my time of playing video games, most of them have been violent video games and after years of playing dozens of violent video games, I have not once have the urge to go and commit a crime or reenact anything that I have seen or done in those violent video games. Video games is an art form that will keep advancing. The virtual reality headset is evident that this new piece of technology will only became more advanced and more popular then anything else that is out right now.

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